ACE Wings

Earn Your Wings...

Your Pro-Life ACE Wings



These wings show your strong, visible respect and support for human life at all stages, from the moment of conception until the time of natural death.  ACE is an acronym for

Pro-Life without Apology, without Compromise and without Exception 

You can wear the wings with pride once earned, which can be done by completing five Pro-Life activities, completing the application form, and having the Grand Knight sign the application and mail it to the State Pro-Life Chairman.  Qualifying activities include:

First Sunday rosaries at the Monument for the Unborn

Pro-Life Masses

40 Days for Life

Volunteer at Crisis Pregnancy Center

Hike for Life

Pro-Life Award Dinners

Rosaries outside abortion clinics

Sidewalk counseling

Pro-Life Conferences

Pro-Life parades

Pro-Life Rosary processions

Pro-Life Presentations to Youth

Viewing “Bloodmoney” movie

Click here to download Requirements

Click here to download Application